› Biblio GGG 01

Rédigé le : 17-11-2015 Catégorie : Grande Guerre

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Huit publications, de Doyle, Hubé, l'IGN et Kiersch sont allées enrichir notre documentation sur la Grande Guerre.

Doyle P. et al. 2000 The underground war 1914-18: the geology of the Beecham dugout, Passchendaele, Belgium
Doyle P. et al. 2002 Geo-environmental implications of military mining in Flanders, Belgium, 1914–1918, Environmental Geology (2002) 43:57–71
Doyle P. 2012 Examples of the influence of groundwater on British military mining in Flanders, 1914–1917. From: Rose, E. P. F. & Mather, J. D. (eds) Military Aspects of Hydrogeology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 362, 73–83
Doyle P. 2014 Geology and the war on the Western Front, 1914–1918, Geology Today, Vol. 30, No. 5, September–October 2014, p. 183-191
Rose E.P.F et Rosenbaum M.S. 1993 British military geologists: the formative years to the end of the First World War. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 104, 41-49.
Hubé 2014 Sans titre. PPT sur les perchlorates.
Kiersch G. 1998, Engineering geosciences and military operations Engineering Geology 49 (1998) 123 176

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